Tuesday 29 November 2011


Got the brief today! We're starting we're we left off on the pre production project! Quick re cap of my idea: Cartoon series about teachers in a school, behind the scenes of the classroom. It'll be about what they really think of the students and what they get up to when they dont need to be proffesional in front of the students. It'll be shot in a documentary style, similar to creature comforts, summer heights high where they'll be talking to the camera about what they do, and have short clips showing what their talking about! I need to tweek a few things about the series aswel!
  Looking forward to it, should be fun finalizing the characters and seing my pitch come to life in a way. so first im going to start developing the five characters (headmaster, gym, english, drama teachers and the caretaker) and i'll keep you updated!

Monday 28 November 2011

Hand in date!!

Handed in all my E4 sting project today! I enjoyed this project a lot, I haven't animated for a while so it was a nice change and a challenge! Had a few problems with flash!!! But its always nice to see your animation finished and working! Im happy with my final sequence, find it quite funny and think people who watch E4 would like it! So....here it is! Children cover your eyes!

Friday 25 November 2011

E4 sting!!

Coming towards the end of the E4 sting project now and its been fun! almost finished the animation now, just need to adjust some tweeks and it'll be finished! Had to change a few things while animating like the bar background. Had a few problems with flash player because im not used to it, the biggest problem i had was animating the quilt covers but manged to finish that today, hopefully it's not too rude! soo...yee almost done! here's the new and improved bar scene!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

this is where the magic happens!

Okay...you've seen my bar and the baby scan now its time to show you where the magic happens! The bedroom scene is also done on adobe illustrator, I've kept the colours dim again so our main concentration is on the E and the 4 even though they'll be covered by the duvet. I plan on making the duvet quite a dim colour also.
      So here's the bedroom scene! I'll update with the animation through the week.

Sunday 20 November 2011

E4 sting!

I've created 2 out of the 3 background for the sting. I decided to go with the romantic/rude sting of the E (man) meeting the 4 (woman) at a bar then going back to E's bedroom to get freaky! Then using a baby scan showing E pregnant with an E4 baby......... Now your questions have been answered, how did the E and 4 come together?
Here's the bar background and the baby scan, working on the bedroom as we speak! 

I think the E and the 4 in the bar will be animated through squash and stretch to show whats happening and i plan on having hearts popping in the air. While thr E4 in the baby scan will move around slightly. 
Hope you like the idea! 

Wednesday 16 November 2011

New brief!

Just got given a new brief! sounds cool, I have to design and animate a short sting for E4. Im really looking forward to this project because I'm a big fan of E4, watch it all the time, cant get enough of the Inbetweeners, how i met your mother and scrubs! Got a few ideas for what I can do, so just planning some storyboards out and some characters to go with them! Should be animating friday so I'll get my pitch and designs up soon!