Saturday, 23 February 2013

Some background I have been working on!

Here is the clasroom scene where Charlie teaches, and turns in to a lion. I need to add more to it, like posters, pencils, etc. I have started to do it already but still need to add more. I'm pretty happy with the outcome so far as it looks lived in, student graffiti. Also it gives us a sence of what kind of teacher he is, cheesy posters, props really showing he likes animals. Im thinking of adding a picture frame of his mum because that is his only friend.

Here is the bedroom scene, my animatic will take place here so I need to think what will be on his bedside cabinet, bathroom, etc. Sturggled with this but I am happy with how it has developed. The texutres on the wall look nice, and the bathroom in the background gives is a sense of depth.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Final characters done!

Here is my final characters, all lined up very nicely! Still might need to tweek a few things but this is what they should look like! Any feedback would help!!

I really like the silhouettes of the animals besides the elephant and the rhino, when  do poses they should have a nicer silhouette!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Designing carried on!

Started to finalize my characters now. I’ve been designing for all the characters besides the bat as I believe he isn’t a very strong character. I’ve been trying to use different media and different in situ’s to get the feel of what I want it to look like. I think I will go for the vector thick outer black line look as I think it would work best with what I have in mind. Here is what I have so far.

There a bit all over the place for some reason when I uploaded them they just went everywhere

Friday, 1 February 2013

Superhero side project!

As part of my collaboration I was given a drawing of a superhero or villain drawn by children. They were given a school project to design a superhero or villain, and then our tutor passed it on to us students to draw our own interpretation. Heres Weapon Man and Evil Electro!

I drew them both on flash and then coloured in photoshop. My favourite is Evil Electro as I had the most fun drawing and designing him.

Childs drawing