Saturday 28 April 2012

Poster take two...

First submittal is monday so trying to get a lot of things finished. Here's my second attempt at the poster. Much happier with the font for Lion King, and I re drew Timon and Pumbaa in better poses. I think it shows what the film is about, and happier with them!

Heres my construction turn arounds for the characters.

Monday 23 April 2012


Started Nathans collaboration work today, initially I thought I was doing Castiels expressions, but for me to get used to liliths features for the in situ I have to do, I decided to do her expressions. This is what I have so far, I tried to mimic Naths style of quite realistic, and I thought I'd have a go at drawing straight in to photoshop, something I'm not used to, so here they are so far.

Sunday 22 April 2012

I hate flashh!

Heyy, I planned on updating my Lee Evans title sequence before the weekend but because adobe flash is such a trustworthy program, it was nice enough to delete and crash 3 hours worth of work! Sooo instead of blowing my brains out I just carried on with Lion King, paper is way nicer than computers!

So here's my promotional poster so far, any feedback would be good! and then we have colour sheets for the characters and I've placed my characters in their in situ backgrounds.

Monday 16 April 2012

Scar body expressions!

Here's Scar's body expressions. To be honest I'm not really happy with what I've done with scar. I found it really hard to re drawing him, and getting him in to poses because he's very linear but lesson learnt. I am happy with the colour images, but still i find them quite boring compared to the rest! I found it hard to think of poses i could do for scar as well, but ill follow my timetable now and I'll move on to something else and hopefully I'll have time to come back to it.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Timon Body expressions

It is 12:11 in the night, I'm listening to Ben Howards music and I had finally finished Timons body expressions! Really thought big with these poses, the ones without colour are boring but i love the colour ones, especially the timon and pumbaa one! Hope you like...

Friday 13 April 2012

Body expressions!

The past couple of days I've been working on body expressions for Pumbaa and Rafiki. I'm really happy with how they all came out, especially when I putt a couple of them in to illustrator to colour them. Next couple of days Im going to do Timons and Scars, but this is what I have so far...

I tried to be more experimental because my last post production project a lot of my characters were up straight and boring so I thought of more interesting poses.

Monday 9 April 2012

Timon expression!

Worked on Tmon's colour expressions today, truth be told I didn't have as much drawing him because I found it quite awkward as you can probably see in some of the expressions, but i soon got used to the shape of his face and found him easier to draw so here it is.

And for all those viewers out there who I bet are dying to see how I'm coming along with my Lee Evans project, it's all going good, just finishing my illustrator images and adding them to flash, only problem is I am unable to upload the videos up on here but I'll try work something out! 

Updated Lion King!

Hey, haven't updated anything for a while. I've been tweaking little things like expression, etc! This is what I have so far!

Turnarounds. Im so much more pleased with Rafikis turnaround now, its looking a lot better!

Rafiki's expressions, had so much fun drawing Rafikis, such a nice character to draw, holds a lot of character.

Pumbaa expressions.

Timons expressions so far.

In situ shots.
Hakuna matata scene with Pumbaa and Timon.

Alley way paradise for Simba.

Rafiki's treehouse, Probably my favourite background I've done.

 Here's the latest In situ shots, need to add little things, and most important need to add the characters in to the background, but going to do body expressions first then add them, Hope you like.

Also I'm collaborating with a fellow student Nathan Thor Hudson, you can check his work out on Pretty cool stuff to be seen!. He's going to do my Scar expressions and scars in situ, while I'm doing his Castiels expressions and Liliths in situ (Characters from Supernatural)

Monday 2 April 2012

Rafiki in situ carried on

Almost finished Rafikis in situ now! Really pleased with how its looking! I'm not going to have Rafiki standing there when i finish, he's going to be in the tree house! I have tried to make it look more like a place where Rafikis character would live, and hopefully its started to build more character.