Monday 20 May 2013

So that is it....

Thats University finished! Handed in all the work I have produced over the last 4 months! Mixed feelings. Relief is a bit part, but also very sad knowing I wont be studying in University anymore.

I am very happy with everything I handed in. I could've changed a few things but there's always things you could improve on. I know I've worked hard so can't take anything away from that. I was a bit worried about the personal project as my life drawing isnt't as good as it shoul dbe, but the whole point of the project was to improve my drawing skills. I'm happy how it looked in the end once I made it look more like a personal reflective diary. Collaboration I really liked, the projects were really fun, especially the superhero and Lurchers project. just have to enjoy the time off I get off now before I start being an unemployed animator/illustrator.

Here is my Final Major Project work.

Wild Week Pre Production







My Personal Project






That's all folks

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